

Hi Juan. Support suggested me the case I haven't thought before) So I've found a way to make it working. And now I am here to inform you that I've finished: Price-Optimizer now can handle variations! Please take a look. Remember to desetup & setup first in order to apply fresh changes.
As usual: in case of any question or issue - please let me know.


Hello, Juan.
That's totally fine, because the application adds its own hidden variation to every single product in your store (it happens during Setup - that's why it's important to launch Setup from your app dashboard). This variation does all heavy lifting for price optimization. This variation is hidden for end-users, it is used and controlled by the application.
So, to summarize my answer: no, Price-Optimizer doesn't modify the price of variations, it adds one single hidden variation to every product in your store.
Hope it helps. In case if you have other questions - feel free to post a reply here or start a new topic.

Hi Dmitry, thanks for your quick reply.

My store is organized as follows: a product has multiple variations, each with its own sku, for example: the product with sku 00100 has 3 variations: 00100-01, 00100-02 and 00100-03, and each variation has your own price. The sku 00100 (that is, the main product, not the variations) has a price of 0, since it only works as a "grouper" of variations.

In this case, could Price Optimizer A / B work?


Hi Juan. I got your case. For now the application would work - but with discount from 0% to 5% (individually for each product). It's because at Setup it does 2 things:
1) Creates price variation for every product with 3 options of discount: 0%, 3%, 5%. That variation is controlled by Price-Optimizer to choose the best price possible.
2) Increases price of the product for 5% - that step would lead to nothing in your case because of zero prices. That's why as a result it would work - but with discount from 0% to 5%.
You could decide whether it's affordable or not for you to use the application in such state. I am going to fix this issue by replacing direct price modification with adding another price variation - it should make it working for your case too. But this enhancement will take time to implement: about a week I guess. I am going to keep you notified about any progress done regarding this topic.

Hi Juan, I have news. I've contacted to Ecwid-support to get an opportunity of checking the Ecwid behavior in described by you case: when the base price is zero and there is a variation with non-zero price. What I've discovered: price-modifiers are applied independently - so I just can't add my own percent-based price-modifier which will be applied on top of your value-based price-modifier of your variation.
So the final (to the moment) answer to this case is: no, it's not possible to make it working, because price-modifiers are applied independently and I can't modify the price by percent-based modifier over value-based modifier.
I am going to send an email to Ecwid-support about the order of applying price-modifiers. Maybe they shouldn't be totally independent and be applied one by one in that order that is defined by their order in user dashboard? I am not quite sure it could help - but why not, I think I should try at least) If you have any questions or suggestions - feel free to throw several lines here.


Hi Juan. Support suggested me the case I haven't thought before) So I've found a way to make it working. And now I am here to inform you that I've finished: Price-Optimizer now can handle variations! Please take a look. Remember to desetup & setup first in order to apply fresh changes.
As usual: in case of any question or issue - please let me know.